Top quality services for the best indoor environment
AEROCLEAN, for the last 25 years, is specializing in the design, construction, installation, maintenance and cleaning of air conditioning systems. Our company is the most specialized and safe choice for cleaning the central air conditioning system of your business.
Having the greatest experience in the field of Indoor Air Quality, we provide innovative cleaning and disinfection methods, with personalized solutions for the needs of your business in both air conditioning and ventilation systems of land and shipping.

Airway cleaning & Disinfection
Airway cleaning and disinfection is one of the most important tasks for the protection of your people…

Permanent airway disinfection systems
We offer solutions for permanent disinfection of airways by installing systems for the extermination of various microorganisms.

Frequent disinfection of buildings
The first fully autonomous space disinfection robot in the Greek market.

Central air conditioning installation study
Our technical and scientific staff, with their many years of experience in the field of air conditioning, is always at your disposal…

Ventilation cleaning of restaurant kitchens
Due to the accumulation of large amounts of fat and oil throughout the ventilation network, the process requires high quality services.

Special Cleanings
AeroClean, having many years of experience in industrial and marine facilities, can complete biological and chemical cleanings.

Covid-19 & Disinfection
COVID-19 has characterized our lives as social interactions have adapted to the new reality. All of this sets new foundations and conditions for how businesses operate – especially those focusing on where the virus can be transmitted at a faster rate.
Essentials you should now
Benefits of air cleaning:
Regular and proper cleaning, as well as disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems, has been shown to have significant benefits to the user. Indicatively, we mention some of them below꞉
- The health of workers or tenants is not affected, as there are no outbreaks of microorganisms in the airways.
- Staff productivity is increasing dramatically as they now work in a healthy environment.
- The image of the company improves, as the customers who visit it, enter a highly healthy environment.
- The traffic and clientele of a business increases considerably, since the brain ¨members¨ the healthy environment it visited. The increase in traffic has been proven experimentally in the USA. for decades.
- Especially in hotels, the cleaning and disinfection of the airways greatly improves the quality of customers’ sleep.
- The operation of air conditioning and ventilation systems becomes more efficient and economical (10 – 18%)
- The damages are greatly reduced, hence the cost of maintenance of the installation
- The risk of fire transmission through the airways is prevented, due to the presence of accumulated pollutants.
Air conditioning & Health:
In recent decades, air conditioners have been widely used, with the main purpose of making the environment in which we live and work more comfortable, mainly in terms of temperature and humidity. This function is vital for some vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, patients with cardiovascular and mainly respiratory problems.
Indoor air pollution – which the Ministry of Environment defines as the presence in the indoor air of natural, chemical and biological contaminants, which are not normally present in the outside air – is an increasingly acute problem.
Indoor air depends on the air quality of the outside environment, to which are added the further pollutants that exist inside the buildings. Indoor pollution data, ie indoor air pollution, confirm that indoor air quality is 2 to 3 times worse than outdoor air quality.
Insufficient ventilation in closed buildings or rooms can damage the nasal epithelium and consequently make it difficult to breathe.
It has also been shown that excessive use of air conditioners can greatly damage the normal nasal breathing filter mechanism.
Inside the airways domestic allergens and germs can be found. When not cleaned effectively, especially those in public areas are the number one culprit for transmitting most influenza viruses, including H1N1. According to experts, they accumulate pathogenic microorganisms from the breath and sweat and diffuse them into the atmosphere, “recycling” them.
Excessive or incorrect use of air conditioners can aggravate diseases such as arthritis and neuritis.
Research has shown that those who work for long periods of time in air-conditioned areas and are often subject to temperature fluctuations are more vulnerable to colds than those who work outdoors.
Frequent temperature changes, especially when the body is moving from a warm environment to an air-conditioned space, increase stress.
People who stay in a cold environment for a long time find it difficult to adapt to high temperatures and when they are forced to be exposed to them they face problems.
Air conditioners and poor air conditioning in closed buildings cause damage to the nasal epithelium and make it difficult to breathe, while significantly destroying the normal filter mechanism of the nasal breath.
Indoor Air Quality & Safety, especially in terms of inhaled air (Indoor Air Quality) started decades ago in the US and is now a reality in the countries of the European Union and a future fact for businesses and all kinds of organizations operating in Greece, according to PD 16/1996 “MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAFETY & HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACES”.
According to the publication of the measurements carried out by the Department of Physics of the University of Athens in buildings of Athens, the results were shocking:
“80% of the buildings had increased pollutants, indicating that the indoor air is polluted, while more than 50% of the workers show pathological problems, ie they show the disease of the sick buildings.”
The main symptoms were:
Shortness of breath
Sore throat
skin irritation
motion sickness
mental fatigue
digestive disorders etc.
It is no coincidence that the ever-increasing number of Greek companies, public organizations, etc. that give value to the factor of sanitary hygiene and especially to ensure INDOOR AIR QUALITY, following the rules of Presidential Decree 16/1996 made in compliance with the Community Directive 89/654 / EEC, which in paragraph 6.5. explicitly states:
“Deposits and pollutants in air conditioning or mechanical ventilation systems that may pose a risk to the health of workers due to inhaled air pollution MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.”
Also, it is mandatory for all building owners to comply with the Community Directive 2002/91 / EEC, which since the beginning of 2006 is applied in Greece and concerns the restriction of energy consumption of buildings, which states:
“The environmental quality of the buildings presupposes:
- ensuring excellent indoor air quality, to ensure the health of workers.
- the minimum possible energy consumption. “
Finally, there is the European Action Plan (2004/2132-INI) on ensuring the protection of the environment and health, which was activated until 2010.
Recently, the Ministry of Health issued a circular with specific instructions regarding the proper use of Central Air Conditioning Units (KKM).